

We have compiled a list of books, articles, blogs, and other media to complement your evolution as a communicator. Enjoy!

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Featured Book

By Jenna Lange

A humorous look at some of the myths in public speaking. Jenna provides easy tips and tools to help you connect, be clear and compel any audience.

Featured Podcast

Image of Jenna Lange and Actsplore podcast episode

Sweaty palms, rapid breathing and heart pounding. These are some signals that you’re about to experience a high stakes moment. Now, these might come in many forms: whether it’s a performance review, a negotiation or a sales pitch, among others. Here to help us get better at our communication by sharing effective strategies to build confidence for every high stakes communication moment is Jenna Lange.

Orai Speech coach app

This AI-enabled speech coach app provides immediate metrics on pace, facial expressions, filler words, confidence, and more. Provide your teams an opportunity for asynchronous training and practice with Lange International’s 11-lesson Executive Presence course - or work with us to develop a custom learning journey. Learn more here or contact us for more information.

Featured Podcast

In this episode of the Lead Like a Woman Show, Andrea Heuston talks to Jenna Lange, Founder and CEO of Lange International, about entrepreneurship and creating your own success. Jenna explains why women leaders should not always say 'Yes' to everyone and everything - and why it’s important to advocate for other women.


Part One of a two-part conversation with Jenna Lange, CEO and Founder of Lange International, a boutique consulting firm that helps individuals with their high stakes business communication challenges. Regarded as one of the leaders in the field, Jenna works with senior leaders at companies such as Microsoft, Meta, Google, and The North Face, among others, as well as start-ups and niche companies, helping executives craft their stories and hone investor pitches.

Gavriella Schuster begins the conversation by asking Jenna to explain why effective communication is critical to building relationships with customers and audiences – you’ll find her response to that and other questions both actionable and enlightening,


Part 2 of a two-part conversation I had with Jenna Lange, CEO and Founder of Lange International. They talk about some of the moments she’s given special tips and techniques to improve a client’s delivery and impact – including times when the host, Gavriella Schuster, was the client and she helped her prepare for important communication events at Microsoft.

In the second half of this conversation, they touch on a variety of ways to improve engagement, from the necessity of setting one’s ego aside to allow more focus on the core communication objectives, to lessons that we can take from watching improv comedy actors work their craft.


In this LinkedIn Learning course, Jenna Lange shares techniques to help you manage your message, your mindset, and your stakeholders when the stakes are high.Learn how to build concise, effective messages, manage your body language, avoid common pit…

In this LinkedIn Learning course, Jenna Lange shares techniques to help you manage your message, your mindset, and your stakeholders when the stakes are high.

Learn how to build concise, effective messages, manage your body language, avoid common pitfalls, and more.

books | articles | blogs | media

Executive Presence

TED Talk: Your body languange may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy
How making physical changes can shift your mindset and improve your confidence

Book: Presence by Amy Cuddy​

Book: Executive Presence by Sylvia Ann Hewlett

Book: The Confidence Code by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman
Specifically targeted to women and confidence issues

Book: The Charisma Myth: How Anyone Can Master the Art and Science of Personal Magnetism by Olivia Fox Cabane

Article: Eisenhower's Legacy

Article: The two kinds of stories we tell ourselves

Voice and Language

TED Talk: How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian TreasureThis talk gives us two great lessons in one.
First he shares the 7 deadly sins of communication and provides positive alternatives to make sure your messages connect. He then delves into using your voice as an instrument to its greatest impact. And also shares some practical warm up exercises to use before you have a high stakes communication.

Article/Audio: You Had Me At Hello: The Science Behind First Impressions
How people with great executive presence use their voice

Article: Is this how you really talk?
Adjust your voice to increase your executive presence

Article: The Look of a Leader

Article: Five strategies to help you sound like the leader you want to be
Great content for voice coaching

Article/Audio: Winston Churchill's Way with Words
Common mistakes people make with their language

Gestures and Movement

Video: Common mistakes people make with their movement – what does the way you walk say about you
Sarah Key provides great examples of using gestures, shares how and why to tell stories, and being authentic. As a bonus, she also packs two inspiring messages all in this 18-minute video.

Research: What your faces says about your Executive Presence – Expressions of Blind Individuals

Article: Face time: Here's how infants learn from facial expressions

Article: Why is talking with gestures easier than talking without them?


Research: Attracting Assault: Victims' Nonverbal Clues. Common mistakes people make with their posture.

Article: The Seven-Second Rule: How to avoid being an easy target.


TED Talk: A Life Lesson from a Volunteer Firefighter | Mark Bezos

TEDx: The storyteller in all of us |Zach King

TED Talk: The danger of a single story | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

TED Talk: The clues to a great story | Andrew Stanton

Article: 10 Kinds of Stories to Tell with Data

Video: Oprah’s Golden Globes speech is a must watch.

Table: The Seven Basic Plots

Blog: 8 Classic storytelling techniques for engaging presentations

Book: Storytelling with Data by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic

Organization and Content Creation

Book: Please Don’t Picture Them Naked by Jenna Lange
10 tips for presenting and pitching

TEDx: The secret structure of great talks | Nancy Duarte
Use tools to structure your story

TED Talk: Feats of memory anyone can do | Joshua Foer
This is a great story about someone who stepped into a memory research project and walked out transformed. His strategies for memorizing are good to use in combination with the Lange Mind Map.

Book: Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything by Joshua Foer

Article: Crafting a message that sticks, an interview with Chip Heath
This article focuses on how to make your presentations and stories “sticky” so people remember and share them. Chip Heath’s research suggests that sticky ideas share six basic traits.


Article: Connect, Then Lead by Amy Cuddy

Women-Specific Leadership

Book: Playing Big: Practical Wisdom for Women Who Want to Speak Up, Create, and Lead by Tara Mohr
Practical skills to voice and implement changes you want to see

Book: Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg

Book: The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance---What Women Should Know by Katty Kay & Claire Shipman

Book: Women After All: Sex, Evolution, and the End of Male Supremacy by Melvin Konner MD

Article: Connect, Then Lead by Amy Cuddy

Negotiation and Persuasion

Book: The Nimble Negotiator: Beat negotiation at its own game by Juliet Erickson

Video: The Science of Persuasion (by Dr. Robert Cialdini and Steve Martin, CMCT)

Book: The Art of Persuasion: How to influence people and get what you want by Juliet Erickson


TEDx: 10 ways to have a better conversation | Celeste Headlee

Blog: Why we should all stop saying “I know exactly how you feel” by Celeste Headlee


TED talk: The power of introverts | Susan Cain

Book: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain

Article: The Psyche on Automatic (Amy Cuddy profile)

Article: The Authenticity Paradox